[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Freezeland is the home of ice-based Digimon. Here you can find many recruitable Digimon, as well as a profitable trading business which will fill your pocket easily. Mind your Digimon though; some Digimon dislike the cold climate and can become sick if they stay in Freezeland too long.
Angemon can be found in the Ice Sanctuary of Freezeland, trapped as a statue. You can only enter the Ice Sanctuary if your Digimon is of the vaccine type. I've never really had a problem entering the Ice Sanctuary, because a majority of the Digimon I've had are vaccine. The Ice Sanctuary is located northwest of the Freezeland toilet. When you first enter the Ice Sanctuary, you will see Angemon's glowing statue. Inspect the statue up close, and your Digimon will alert you to a hidden passageway underneath it. Head down the passageway, into a small hallway with Gotsumon and a blue Meramon. If you head north to the end of the hallway, you will find a training area, but nothing else. The secret to the Ice Sanctuary is a hidden passage in the eastern wall of the main hallway. Near the Gotsumon, you will find a darkened portion of the wall on your right side. Walk against it, and you will find that it is really an open passage. Continue on through the passageway, where Gururumon and Hyogamon patrol. Enter the next room, and you will find four teleporting devices. Teleporting devices look like columns of light that have black pyramids within them. Be careful which teleporter you walk into though! Only one of them is the correct one which will let you continue on your journey. The other three place you in random places in the Ice Sanctuary: in front of the Ice Sanctuary, in the training area, or back out with Angemon's statue. To save you some trouble, here's the answer. When you first enter the room with the teleporters, head to the east and use the first teleporter you see there. You will end up with more enemies to fight, but on the right path. In the next room that has transporters, take the northeastern transporter. This transporter will take you to the final room, where a Hyogamon and two Gotsumon will be waiting for you. Defeat all three, and you will be able to free Angemon's spirit, which you can find near the southern wall of the room. Once his spirit has left, leave the sanctuary basement. The only important thing is that you have to come up from the stairs that your Digimon found underneath Angemon. Once you do, Angemon will greet you, and tell you about his plans for joining the city. Angemon will join the city as Jijimon's assistant, and will give you information about where to look next for recruitment Digimon.
Penguinmon runs the local curling rink in Freezeland. You will find him in the small cave near the Mojyamon ice flows. The ice flows can be found if you head east two screens from the Freezeland toilet, then south one screen. That's fine, but what's curling you ask? Curling might be the most addicting game in File City; that is, if you have enough fish to pay Penguinmon! Penguinmon will explain it pretty thoroughly if you've never played before. Your job is to beat him at his own game, which isn't hard because the computer AI isn't too great at curling. Penguinmon will let you play the first game for free, but if you lose, then you'll have to bring back a fish to play again. When you beat him at curling, Penguinmon will join the city and set up a curling arena in the basement of Greymon's Battle Arena. Penguinmon is a good way to stock up on items if you enjoy playing curling for long periods of time. For one fish, he will play a game with you. If you win, he will give you an item, such as a giant meat or an omnipotent. It doesn't matter what type of fish you give him, so if you're in a hurry just snatch up some anchovies down by the lake.
Mojyamon inhabit the ice flows of Freezeland. They are traders by nature and will often give you expensive items for fairly cheap ones. There are three Mojyamons in Freezeland, each asking for different items.
As the game progresses, the Mojyamon in the southwest corner will become your best friend, but make sure you always have an Auto Pilot with you! Each Mojyamon asks for three different items, and if you can bring each of them all three of their desired items, one of them will join the city. Make sure that you watch which Mojyamon you are trading with; when you finish trading, the last one to recieve their three items will join the city, and you will not be able to trade with him anymore. Make sure that you do not trade with the southwestern Mojyamon last! He is the most important one! The southwestern Mojyamon will be your money maker. To trade with this Mojyamon for money, first bring with you an Auto Pilot, 99 med. recoveries, and 99 anchovies. (You don't have to bring both, and you don't have to bring 99. Just bring as many as you can afford.) Talk to the southwestern Mojyamon, and trade him all of your med. recoveries and anchovies. He will give you Super Speed and Defense Disks for your trouble. Be careful, because this Mojyamon traps you in a glitch, and you'll be stuck in that spot after trading. Don't panic. Trade everything you need to trade with the southwestern Mojyamon, then use the Auto Pilot to take you back to the city. Take all the Disks that you got from the Mojyamon to the Item Shop, and sell them for 2,000 bits a piece! For every 99 disks you trade, you'll get 198,000 bits. Not bad, for med. recoveries that cost you 49,500 bits and anchovies that cost you 4950 for meat. Once you're done trading with all of the Mojyamons, the last trader joins the city and opens up the secret item shop, located down the stairs of the regular item shop. Mojyamon sells you recovery related items.
If you have defeated Ogremon in his fortress, Whamon will appear in the western corner of the ice flows. It seems that Ogremon has taken over Whamon's cave as his new hideout, which Whamon is a little angry about. Choose to help him, and he will take you to the cave where Ogremon waits. Ogremon is accompanied by two Gabumon and an Airdramon, which you will have to battle. About the Gabumon, you won't really need to worry. Ogremon's attacks hit everyone, including his own comrades. They'll be passed out on the floor before you even know what's going on. Once you defeat Ogremon and his pathetic crew, they'll run away like cowards and escape in a submarine. They're headed for a new fortress: one last place to hide. Whamon is grateful to you for having restored his cave, but informs you that everything you did was for nothing. Whamon was impressed by your bravery, and wants to join the city instead of staying in his cave. Whamon ferries you back to Freezeland, then heads over to File City. Whamon serves as a second method of transport, taking you to his secret beach cave and the port side of Factorial Town. When you get back to File City, ask Whamon to take you back to his beach cave. In the back of the cave, you'll find an Item Computer with a Mysty Egg in it: Digitamamon's digivolution item!
Shellmon's bulletin board tells about a Digimon that rescues other Digimon from the cold. What does this have to do with you? Well remember, some Digimon hate the cold. This includes fire Digimon, in-training, and baby forms. Baby and in-training Digimon simply haven't built up the strength to resist the cold yet. If you take a baby form Digimon with you to Freezeland, your Digimon may become sick. If he does, your Digimon will faint from the sickness and Frigimon will save you. Once he saves you, he tells you to be more careful with your Digimon in the cold. You can then visit Frigimon's house anytime you'd like. You tell Frigimon that you will digivolve your Digimon into a Digimon better suited for the cold climate, and once you do, return and talk to Frigimon. He will join the city as the restaurant's ice cream vendor. ^_^ Frigimon doesn't exactly understand the concept of digivolving, but that's ok. Oh, for all you meanies out there who are going to purposefully take baby Digimon out into the cold, to make your Digimon sick you cannot let it sleep. You may feed it and take it to the bathroom, but no sleeping. And for those of you who have super-baby Digimon like psychic_strata, good luck in trying to make your Digimon sick! ^_^ One last note: your Digimon cannot get sick from cold in the Ice Sanctuary. Sorry!
Garurumon patrols the westernmost corner of Freezeland, south of Frigimon's house. If you talk to him, he will challenge you to a battle. Defeat Garurumon, and he will accuse you of cheating. Garurumon wants a fair fight: Digimon against Digimon. Garurumon's challenge is issued for four o'clock; I believe that you can find him both at 4am and 4pm. If you come any later than four, Garurumon won't be there. When you do get to battle Garurumon again, it's all up to your Digimon. Yup, that's right. No healing your Digimon! Make sure that your Digimon is strong enough to take on Garurumon on its own. It's sort of like Greymon's tournaments, so it's not too bad. Upon defeating Garurumon a second time, he joins the city and helps out at the restaurant.
Aside from the Mojyamon trading business, you won't have much reason to visit Freezeland after recruiting all these Digimon. Garurumon's Freezeland screen can lead you to the Misty Trees area, but if you haven't gone through Mount Panorama, Gear Savanna, and Geko Swamp, it's a pretty bad idea to enter Misty Trees now. Head back to File City so that you can explore the Mount Panorama area a little.
File City 2: Inhabited
File City will be much different than the last time that you visited it. New Digimon have arrived and set up shops. Buildings have been built. Digimon roam the streets of File City, all thanks to you. Throughout time, you will find that almost every Digimon that you recruit finds a place in the city. Here is a list of each recruitable Digimon and what they do in the city. Digimon marked with a (NRP) means that they serve no real purpose to the city, or a purpose is unnoticable.
After talking to Jijimon when your city has a rating of 12-15, you might encounter Greymon outside his house. Greymon will approach you and ask you for a battle. If you win, he'll join the city and make a battle arena. If you lose, he wants that street sign. (What street sign?!) Defeat Greymon, and he will build his battle arena in the southeastern corner of File City.
After Mount Infinity has been revealed, you will be attacked by an Airdramon that seems to be brainwashed. Airdramon hits your Digimon before the battle even starts, so be prepared with recovery items. Defeat Airdramon, and he will rest in Jijimon's house. After some time, Airdramon opens his own little business in Greymon's battle arena. Airdramon will tell you your fortune as well as your Digimon's. He does this for free, and if he tells you that you have bad luck, don't take it to heart. His fortunes are random and don't really mean anything.
Mount Panorama
Mount Panorama is pretty much one giant circle. If it's early in the game, you will only be able to access the Gear Savanna from Mount Panorama. As the game progresses, the Drill Tunnel will open up and you will be able to travel straight from the tunnel to Gear Savanna. But to get to Gear Savanna, you will have to pass through the Mountain for now. There are three recruitable Digimon in Mount Panorama: Unimon, Vademon, and Mamemon.
You can't miss Unimon. He's the big metal headed unicorn that is lying on the ground when you first pass through Mount Panorama. Poor Unimon's hurt his wing, and needs a sm. recovery from you. If you can spare one, or any other recovery item for that matter, Unimon will feel better--enough to join File City! Unimon joins the Item Shop built by Monochromon, or if Unimon is your first Item Shop Digimon, he will build it. Unimon offers portable potties, an essential item for any Digimon trainer. Note: Unimon will not be accessible in Mount Panorama until you recruit Centarumon.
There have been rumors about a UFO being spotted near Mount Panorama. You can hear these rumors from Shellmon's bulletin board. If you go to inspect the Mount Panorama area northeast of Unimon's screen, you will see odd cuts in the ground. You will continue to see these circles appear in this area, until you finally see what is causing them. If you visit this area once in a while, there's a chance that you'll see Vademon in this area. When you talk to him, he'll join the city peacefully. WHEW! ^_^ Once you recruit Vademon, he appears once in a while in the File City Restaurant, cooking up several alien dishes.
Mamemon can be found north of the screen with Vademon's circles, where Mud Frigimon frolic in the fields. Mamemon appears with a low frequency, but thankfully not as low as Piximon. Mamemon appears about once every twenty five or so times that you visit the screen. If you'd like to find him, run back and forth from screen to screen. Once you see Mamemon, he challenges you to a battle. Defeat him, and he will join the city. Mamemon works in the secret item shop, selling super stat disks.
Mount Panorama's end is Gear Savanna's beginning. If you haven't opened the Drill Tunnel yet, it would be a good idea to start the Drimogemon on it now. It will provide you with a convenient shortcut from Native Forest to the entrance to Gear Savanna.
Gear Savania
Like Mount Panorama, Gear Savanna is a giant circle. Here you will find odd enemy Digimon such as the pink-bellied Psychemon and the zebra-striped Shima Unimon, as well as a new training center. Gear Savanna's resident Digimon, Leomon, is the source of many Digimon World questions. Gear Savanna is also home to the Secret Item Shop, which you can find from the 1st to the 15th of every month.
If you don't have the card machine in the Item Shop yet, it would be a good idea to visit the Secret Item shop, which is located one screen north of the Gear Savanna entrance, then west. The Gear Savanna Item Shop sells and buys cards mostly, but also has a side business of selling lost items. Yep, that's right. When you lose a battle and are sent back to Jijimon's house, many times you lose an item to the Digimon who beat you. Well, the Gear Savanna Item Shop can sell you back these items! If you lose something important, like Grey Lord's Mansion Key or Seadramon's Blue Flute, be sure to check with the Item Shop when you can! Also, if you plan on visiting Geko Swamp soon, be sure to stock up on cards for the master card trader, Shogun Gekomon.
When you first enter Gear Savanna, head east and then north, and you will see a Patamon in trouble! You won't need to fight here though, because Leomon will take care of the bad guy for you. Leomon then leaves the scene, headed for the Gear Savanna training area. Talk to him, and he will tell you that he is looking for something, and that he can't go with you to the city until he finds it. You tell him that if you find it, you'll be sure to let him know. So what is he looking for? Leomon is looking for his ancestors' sacred tablet, which can be found in the Drill Tunnel. Remember the Drimogemon on the third level who is always digging? "Today we're digging. Tomorrow we're digging. It's so fun." ^_^ When File City's prosperity rating is above 45, this Drimogemon will finally be done digging! Visit him, and you will notice that he has found a cave once used by Leomon's ancestors. Guess what? The tablet that Leomon has been looking for is in this cave. Retrieve it, then go back to Leomon. When you give him the tablet, he will join the city. Leomon hangs out in Birdra Transport, but doesn't really serve a purpose in File City.
Elecmon paces near a tree, north of Gear Savanna's main entrance. Talk to him, and he will shock you, taking off some of your Digimon's HP. Talk to him again, and he'll shock you once more. Talk to him one last time, and he'll shock you again--but this time Elecmon notes how brave you are in approaching him. Elecmon then joins the city as its electrical supplier, and will now reside in File City at night. He asks you if the light makes a difference to the city.
Patamon can be found east of Elecmon, bouncing around as usual. Patamon wants to battle you. Not once, not twice, but three times. After the third round, Patamon will finally acknowledge that he can't beat you, and you can tell him about joining the city. Patamon agrees, then joins the city. Patamon joins Monochromon and Unimon in the Item Shop, and if by now you have all three of these Item Shop Digimon, the card machine will appear in the Item Shop.
The last Item Shop Digimon is finally found! Biyomon sits south of Patamon, apparently doing nothing. Sounds like an easy recruitment, doesn't it? So what's the catch, you ask? When you talk to Biyomon, she runs from you. Continue to try talking to her, and she will run in a square-like pattern, always away from you. Trainer gives you a hint to solving this puzzle when he says that maybe you should wait there. He doesn't actually mean that you should wait there and not do anything with Biyomon. If you don't provoke Biyomon in any way, she won't move. What you need to do is find some way to provoke Biyomon while also remaining in one place to catch her when she runs. How do you do this? Well, there are two of you, aren't there? Turn around and press X to talk to your Digimon. This is pretty much the only time in the game where you can actually talk to your own Digimon, which is pretty cool. Choose to wait where you are, and your Digimon will then chase Biyomon towards you. When you finally have her cornered, you can speak with her. You won't have to fight her, and she will head toward the city peacefully. Biyomon is the last Digimon of Gear Savanna, so be prepared to move on after recruiting her!
With Gear Savanna finished, you now have access to two areas: Trash Mountain and Geko Swamp. If you haven't visited Trash Mountain yet, then make it your priority to go there. Trash Mountain is where you will find your first fishing rod, as well as a GREAT training area for MP. As for Geko Swamp, there you will find a, well, interesting trading business going on. Geko Swamp is where you can get your second fishing rod, which is essential for catching Seadramon in Dragon Eye Lake. You probably have also seen the giant metal gate that blocks entry into Factorial Town. As of now, you can only get into Factorial Town by Whamon, and will have to wait until you solve Factorial Town's problems before the door opens.
Trash Mountain
Trash Mountain is home of the filth Digimon, Sukamon. The Sukamon are ruled by the Sukamon King, who resides in the very back of the Dust Kingdom. The Sukamon King is a rather rude fellow if you don't have anything to discuss with him, but he may end up to be a good friend of yours if Sukamon is a common partner Digimon for you. There is only one recruitable Digimon in Trash Mountain, and he is a rather useless one.
One of these Sukamon in Trash Mountain wants to join the city. The problem is that you have to talk to this Sukamon FIRST if you want him to join the city. I've done it a couple times, and if you talk to another Sukamon first, then the one that wants to go will not join the city. He says he wants to go, but I never really see him there. If you want Sukamon to join the city, talk to the last Sukamon before the Sukamon King. He's the one that stands near the giant pile of "trash." He tells you that he wants to join the city, and will show up there from time to time. Back in File City, Sukamon serves no real purpose. He sits in the bushes across from the toilet, and informs you that he thinks the city is okay, but that he doesn't like the toilet.
When you talk to the southernmost Sukamon, he will tell you that he saw something in the trash piles that may interest you. If you look southwest of where he is, you will see a stick-like item lying on the floor. Pick it up, and you will have your first fishing rod! Guess it's time to head back to Dragon Eye Lake, huh? Oh, one more note about the Dust Kingdom and the Sukamon King. If your Digimon just happens to digivolve into a Sukamon, bring him to the King and he will change him back for you. Unless you like having a smelly filth Digimon, that is.
Dragon Eye Lake
Once you have a fishing rod, you will have full access to Dragon Eye Lake. Well, that is, if you have a good rod. There are two rods available in the game: the worn-out rod and the amazing rod. Can you guess which of the two is better? The amazing rod will get you out farther, but the worn-out rod will do fine if you are just trying for anchovies, snapper, or black trout. Section 12 will be about fishing with the worn-out rod, and the fish you can catch with it. If you are looking to catch bigger fish or Seadramon himself, you can find that in Dragon Eye Lake II.
The worn-out fishing rod that you obtained from Trash Mountain isn't too bad. It reaches far enough to get decent fish like the black trout, which raises all of your Digimon's stats slightly. There are two places to fish in Dragon Eye Lake: a northern shore and a southern shore. The northern shore can be found by heading northwest from the Native Forest toilet; the southern shore can be found by going one screen south of the Native Forest toilet, then west until you reach the shore. Here are the fish you can catch in each section with the worn-out rod.
If you don't have the time or energy to haul 99 Anchovies out of the lake and take them to the Mojyamon for Super Disks, another alternative for making money would be fishing. If you buy meat, then fish at the lake for Black Trout, you can sell the Black Trout at the Item Shop for 500 bits each. Not bad, trading a 50 bit piece of meat for a 500 bit fish! Also, remember that if a fish steals your bait, then if you reel in your line normally, it may get snagged on an item like a restore or omnipotent!
If you're interested in finding Seadramon in Dragon Eye Lake, then it's time to visit Geko Swamp to claim your amazing rod. You'll need it if you want to catch Seadramon, the lake's guardian.
Geko Swamp
Geko Swamp lies north of Gear Savanna. Yanmamon patrol the area during the day, while Gekomon wander through the swamp at night. Believe it or not, there is a purpose to Geko Swamp, which is only two screens in its entirety. While walking through the southern screen of Geko Swamp, you may encounter Otamamon, a blue tadpole-like Digimon. Otamamon appears about once out of every four times you visit his screen. Otamamon isn't the most polite Digimon, and you'll be thrown into a battle with him before you even know what's going on. Defeat Otamamon, and you will find yourself in front of the leader of Geko Swamp: Shogun Gekomon himself! Shogun Gekomon gives you plenty of information about the Misty Trees area, which is north of Geko Swamp. Shogun Gekomon will also help you out by casting a spell on you which will allow you to walk through the mist, to reach the Misty Tree Guardian, Cherrymon.
If you didn't notice already, Shogun Gekomon is a huge dealer of cards. He will trade you points for cards, and then you can trade those points in for items. What is even more interesting is Shogun Gekomon's items. Shogun Gekomon carries the amazing rod, which can be bought for 300 points, as well as many stat chips and digivolution items. Here is a list of items that Shogun Gekomon will trade you for. A list of card point values can be found in the card section.
If you're looking to stash up tons of stat chips, here's a way to get them from Shogun Gekomon without going totally broke. Buy 99 med. recoveries from the File City Item Shop, then buy cards from the card machine until you have nine of one of your 100 point cards. 100 point cards are Phoenixmon, Hercules Kabuterimon, Mega Seadramon, Shogun Gekomon, and Myotismon. Don't buy any more cards after you have nine of one of these, because then it is just a waste of 100 points. Take your cards, 99 med. recoveries, and an Auto Pilot with you to Shogun Gekomon. Trade him your cards until you only have one of each kind. You want to save one of each kind because it makes it easier to pull 100 point cards from the machine. There is an exception for the common and bad cards though. Trade all of your cards below Penguinmon to Shogun Gekomon. Those are easy cards to pull and you'll never have a problem finding them. Once you have only one of each card remaining, buy as many stat chips as you can with your points, then leave. Go north through Misty Trees and then on to Freezeland, to where the Mojyamon are. Trade the southwestern Mojyamon all of your med. recoveries, then use the auto pilot to return to the city when you finish. Sell the Super Disks you got from the Mojyamon, and you will have more money to buy cards or items. If you need more stat chips, repeat the cycle as many times as needed. It's a time consuming, but excellent way to get a massive amount of stat chips. Personally, I have 17 of every stat chip stocked in Agumon's item shop thanks to this little cycle.
Well, I'm not too sure. A Gekomon standing near the front entrance of Shogun Gekomon's room informs you that he would like to join the city. The game gives you the happy little message that Gekomon joins the Arena, but does he really? I've never seen him there at all. I don't believe that Gekomon does anything because he isn't even at the Arena, but maybe it is like the Sukamon situation. Gekomon is not supposed to join the city. But maybe he does, if you miss Sukamon? Maybe he's like a backup to getting full prosperity points.
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