DigiHurricane Touchdown; Supreme Evolution: The Golden Digimentals
 Screenshots Even though this is the third digimon movie, it's the first 02 movie. This movie is made up of two mini movies called "Digimon Hurricane Touchdown" and "Supreme Evolution: The Golden Digimentals".
This movie takes place during season 2 of Digimon, Zero Two. This movie is divided into two parts: "Digimon Hurricane Touchdown" and "Supreme Evolution: The Golden Digimentals". This movie hasn't even reached theatres in Japan yet. There will be a new digidestine named Wallace, and he is said to only appear in this movie. Wallace has two Digimon. Their names are Gumimon and Chocomon, and they look practically identical except for their colors. This movie also introduces the Golden Digimentals, which will give two of the Digimon new forms. Its not quite certain yet if the Golden Digimentals will give the Digimon new Champion forms, or whether the Golden Digimentals will allow the Digimon to reach the Ultimate level. Also, two of the old Digimon will reach their Mega forms.
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