Digimon World is a mysterious world that is a fusion of a natural world and digital fantasy. Many kinds of Digimon used to live together on File Island, but from a certain point in their history, some Digimon lost their ability to speak and left the city! Prepare to enter the world of Digimon! This game cost $39.99, which is a fair price.
You play a hip young boy who is really good at raising Digimon. Your talent got you a invitation to Digimon World. You will travel to many places in the Digimon World. You must train your Digimon to battle other creatures and find items to make your partner more powerful. Each Digimon has powerful and unique Techniques. The Techniques available differ according to the type of Digimon. By mastering all the available Techniques, you can gain an advantage in battle. Each Digimon also has at least one Special Technique. A Special Technique is a powerful attack a Digimon can use in battle.
The Digimon that you raise will age one year every 24 game hours. As he ages, his appearance will evolve as well. How the Digimon evolves changes in response to how you raise him. By changing how you train or discipline the Digimon, you can change which of the many different Digimon he may envolve into.Special Features
-Explore exciting, massive and adventurous worlds.
-Interact with hundreds of characters both good and evil.
-Based on training, your Digimon can evolve into various powerfulcreatures.
-Beautiful life-like animations and incredible colorful environments.
-Non-stop battling action.
Release Date: 04/20/00
Genre: Action
Publisher: Bandai
Developer: Bandai
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