Q. What are DIGIMON?
A. Digimon are Digital Monsters that live on File Island. You can match them in battles with one another to see who has more power. With your help, they can DIGIVOLVE into more powerful monsters to increase their chances of winning.
Q. How many can play?
A. Two.
Q. What do you need to play?
A. 1. Two BATTLE DECKS of 30 different Digi-Battle cards each a total of 60 cards (62 provided with Starter Set 1).
2. One game mat.
3. Two score counters.
Q. What is the basic premise of the game?
A. Players face each other across the game mat. They each select Digimon cards from their Battle Decks to do battle in the DUEL ZONE. DIGIMON POWER data on the cards will show, depending on the BATTLE TYPE of the opponent, who has more relative strength. As the Digimon Digivolve to more powerful forms in the DIGIVOLVE PHASE, and as they acquire different powers and identities with the help of POWER OPTION cards in the BATTLE PHASE, their relative strength will change. When both players have finished playing their Power Option cards, the Battle Phase is complete, and Digimon Power data on the cards will show who has won the Duel. The winner of the Duel is awarded points.
Q. How do you score points?
A. The winner scores points as shown in the SCORE section at the bottom of the winning Digimon card, based on the DIGIVOLVE LEVEL (Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, Mega) of the defeated opponent.
Q. How do you win the game?
A. The first to score 1,000 points wins the game.
Q. Can I customize my Battle Deck?
A. Yes! Players may agree to play with Battle Decks they've put together before the game. These customized Battle Decks can be composed of any 30 different cards.
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